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Land South of Green Lane, Chesterton

Your Views

We would be grateful if you could provide some details and answer a few questions about our proposal on Land South of Green Lane.

Your comments will help us in formulating our proposals. Once the application has been submitted to Cherwell District Council there will be a formal period of consultation and an opportunity to submit your views to the Council.

    Privacy Policy

    This website is owned and managed by SP Broadway on behalf of Wates Developments.

    Our privacy policy explains what personal data or information we collect from you when you visit this website and / or provide your feedback, and how we use it.

    Click here to view SP Broadway’s privacy policy in full, or click here to view a shortened version focusing on the personal data and information we collect during public consultations on development proposals.

    Contact Us

    If you have any queries, please contact James Newhall of SP Broadway on
    07809 669 387 or at james@spbroadway.com