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Land South of Green Lane, Chesterton

Access & Transport

Vehicular access will be taken from Green Lane to the north of the site, via a new ‘T’ junction.

In terms of traffic impacts, it has been calculated that the proposals would result in a maximum increase of 80 vehicle movements in the peak morning and evening periods on a weekday with substantially fewer trips across other periods of the day. This equates to an average increase of fewer than one vehicle movement per minute during the busiest periods of the day.

Once traffic has been distributed on the local highway network the impact will decrease away from the site. A full Transport Assessment will be carried out to test the impact of the development which will identify any mitigation measures that may be needed.

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We are keen to enable residents to move away from car use and promote walking and cycling across the site through an existing network of footpaths and cycleways and by improving existing cycle routes. Three new pedestrian and cycle accesses will also be created to form a well-connected and sustainable development. The accesses are proposed in the following locations:

  • Little Chesterton Lane in the north-western corner of the site, providing a connection to the Bicester Sports Association site;
  • Green Lane in the north-eastern corner of the site, providing a connection to the committed footway improvement along Green Lane
  • Unnamed Road to the east of the site, which will provide a connection towards the recreation ground, as well as the public footpaths to the south-east of the site.

The location of the proposed access arrangements can be seen on the drawing below, as well as a plan showing how the proposed development will connect with the existing village of Chesterton.

Local Connections

 The site is well located for access to local village facilities and services including the community centre, public house, primary school, play group, sports facilities, and village employment opportunities. The proposed development will connect the site with the local footway network from which the local facilities can be accessed within a reasonable walking distance.

The speed limit on the majority of roads within Chesterton have recently been reduced to 20mph, as such the roads provide relatively lightly trafficked and slow speed routes suitable for cycling. The Oxygen Cycle Route also passes through Chesterton and provides a link to the Park and Ride as well as local facilities and services within Whitelands and Bicester Leisure Centre.

Bicester Park and Ride is located a 5-minute cycle ride away from the site and provides free car and cycle parking. The Park and Ride provides access to a frequent service (circa every 15mins) to the centre of Bicester, Bicester Village, Kidlington, and Oxford. The services run from early in the morning until late evening and as such serve a range of journey purposes including commuting, retail, personal business, and leisure.

Car Parking Provision

Our proposal will include on-site car parking spaces for residents, in a mixture of garages, on-plot spaces and unallocated parking to maximise flexibility and economy of land use. Parking provision will be in line with Oxfordshire County Council’s standards. Every new home will be provided with an electric vehicle parking facility to encourage sustainable modes of transport.

Each new home will also be provided with cycle parking in accordance with Oxfordshire County Councils standards. The cycle parking will be secure and covered and provided within the curtilage of each dwelling either in the form of a garage or garden shed.

Off-Site Improvements

The site has the potential to provide off-site highway improvements which could include enhanced cycle routes along Green Lane, The Hale, and the Unnamed Road to the east of the proposed development site (which provides a link to Wendlebury Road and the National Cycle Network Route 51).

Oxfordshire County Council has also identified a potential new bus service through Chesterton as part of the ‘Oxfordshire Bus Service Improvement Plan’. Should the Bus Service Improvement Plan be successful through the Department for Transport’s assessment, then our proposals could also help by providing a financial contribution towards the new bus service.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact James Newhall of SP Broadway on
07809 669 387 or at james@spbroadway.com